Strong Viscosity
Strong adsorption ability effectively removes harmful dust particles from your car dashboard surface and air-vent. Pick up dirt from small, tough to reach spaces such as gear shifts, knobs, air-vents, cup holders, CD slots, keyholes.

Non-sticky and Safe
When you are cleaning, your skin can be exposed to the chemicals in cleaning products. That’s why ULTRICS cleansing gel uses skin-friendly materials which will not be harsh on your skin nor stick to your hands and keeps you safe.

Reusable Cleaning Gel
ULTRICS dust cleaner can be used for many times until the cleaning compound becomes non-transparent. Picks up dust and dirt from keyboards, mobile phones and printers. Does not leave residues and keeps your hands clean.

- Premium quality high-tech cleaning gel.
- Non-toxic soft rubber and safe material.
- It has a refreshing fragrance.
- Easy to apply or remove without getting your hands dirty.
- Easy to store and portable.
- Remove dust, hair, crumbs from cracks or crevices without leaving any residue.
- Reach narrow places to clean. Kill 95% of germs.
- Can be used over and over again untill it gets non-transparent.
Remove dust from electronic and mechanical devices and appliances without leaving behind any type of residue. Great for computer keyboard, phone key pad, TV remote, camera, video game console, speaker grill, fan grill, air condition vent, car air vent, automobile dashboard, window sill and more.
Press the cleaning compound onto the surfaces that you would like to clean. Dust and dirt in gaps will be absorbed by the compound. It is made of non-toxic and safe for your skin.
You can use this gel over and over again. After using, put it back into the packing bag and seal the bag. Use it for a long time and stop when the gel becomes opaque.
Just blow it, then apply the green gel. Its a miracle
Francesco –
Fa più danni di quanti dovrebbe sistemarne.Lo utilizzato per pulire la fessura della cerniera del MacBook che era piena di polvere. Questo prodotto ha si levato la polvere ma la ha riempita di mille pezzettini di quella roba verde che non solo sono più di della polvere, ma per giunta non vanno via in nessun modo e si sono inseriti all’interno della cerniera. Adesso rischio che mi si rovini tutto il pc.Veramente disgustoso il fatto che Amazon metta in vendita una roba del genere all’interno del suo store.Vergogna.
doriluna –
Incrédule par rapport à ce produit, je l’ai acheté pour nettoyer un vieux clavier d’ordinateur qui fonctionnait très bien mais avait besoin d’un gros nettoyage. Et ce gel “magique” joue son rôle à merveille pour retirer tout ce qui est coincé sous les touches.
Susan S –
What a clever and genius idea. This keyboard dust cleaner picks up that dust you can never seem to get too and is ideal to use in the car too!
Leon Lorenz –
Entfernt gut Staub und alles was nicht fest klebt.
Lauren –
Bought it for my car, works like a charm, picks up dust and dog hair I can’t reach.
This is a really effective cleaner. I managed to get an entire 3 course meal out of my keyboard. easy to use and non sticking. Excellent at cleaning the phone at work too.
john –
Have not use it yet but it looks ok.
Karsten K –
besetigt Staub und Fettfingerspuren von der Tastatur und vom Gehäuse. Sehr zu empfehlen,
Amazon Customer –
This is just the product for my keyboard. I have never known a cleaner get the dirt out of it. I thought it was clean well bang and the dirt was gone
Freda in the Shed –
First time purchase so I can’t compare to other brands but it did the job I wanted.Slight niggle was that the item was pictured in a small tub and it came in a resealable plastic pouch. Time will tell if this keeps the slime moist enough for re-use.
thomas henry smith –
Good quality product, however doesn’t pick up everything and doesn’t getting all cracks and crevices, for delicate items like gaming controllers, it can sometimes get stuck in cracks and hard to get out
Margarita Millere –
Great item, very useful and easy to use. No toxic smell. Looks and seems natural.
jess89 –
Product was fab for getting the tiny crumbs in my car that the hoover can’t get too. Very quickly cleaned my car and was a cheap product. Great value for money
Sean williams –
Not much to say really, I’ve had it a few weeks now, used it about 5 times and you can see it’s getting worked however still works fine. May need to buy another one soon but it does the job.
Jose Gutiérrez –
La primera vez funciona perfectamente, después de ahí su rendimiento cae en picado. Por supuesto siguiendo los consejos del fabricante a la hora de guardarlo. Si lo dejas fuera, tal como te explican, olvídate de usarlo nuevamente.
Nicky Midds –
Delighted with this product. Easily cleaned my work PC keyboard, laptop at home, mac keyboard and my iPhone. Does a brilliant job of cleaning keyboards and devices with ease
Smarty –
Don’t leave on your keyboard too long otherwise hard to retrieve, has a nice smell. Easy to use and store away. Suppose to be self cleaning. Very therapeutic to use, act like a stress ball too!!
Rupa –
It will get rid off dust on printer, table, keyboard or remotes. You can wash it with water & soap & reuse it.
Stephane G –
Bof bof
Skullreaper –
Handy for those difficult to reach areas
Amanda –
This worked so well on my Razer Ornata and my laptop keyboard keys, it didn’t get stuck or leave a residue. It’s perfect to just refresh your keys!
syed jahid –
Does it job, will clean your keyboard and you’ll have multiple uses from one packet, id recommend buying two so you won’t have to worry about a dusty keyboard in a long time.
Asunción Arzola –
Me lo imaginaba de otra manera. Es como gelatina que se rompe fácilmente, pero luego se pega fácilmente tambien. no sabría como describirlo mejor. Yo esperaba un trozo de gelatina que se amoldase para cubrir todo el teclado para sacar el polvo pero es como muy rompible. y un poco asquerosillo-liquidillo al tacto.Pero bueno, cumple su función bastante bien, que es lo importante.
Andy orvis –
Very good
robr305 –
Bought this to clean my work’s keyboard (it needed it) very effective, cleaned the keyboard very well and has a fresh scent to it (mildly therapeutic too lol reminds me of similar stuff I had as a kid). Well worth it, excellent price and fast delivery
Aquila72 –
Needed to clean my keyboard after months of neglect by my kids, who had promised to look after it.Being away with HM Forces for 6 months, dealing with some pretty inhospitable people in conditions I’d like to forget, had not prepared me for the devastation which had been wrought on my PC corner desk.The PC itself wasn’t in too bad a state..!?But the screen, keyboard, desk, drawers……The hoover was deployed, but I was loath to strip down my carefully wrapped cables.Slime.This is the first time I’ve actually been proven wrong by my son, who now thinks he should be a chaser…. OMG.Slime, it works a bloody treat, a little wet and drippy straight out the bag, but after rolling it around in your hands for a few minutes it feels a little better…Once I had achieved an impressive sized sausage, I went to work.I rubbed it slowly, over the monitor, the mouse mat and gave the keyboard a thorough going over.It wasn’t long before the slimy sausage had achieved an impressive result, the keyboard was however a little sticky, but a quick wipe down with some moist wipes and good as new(ish).
Michael angelo pineda –
it serves its purpose
carole –
Works great picks up all little dust bits. be careful not to leave on the keyboard as it liquefies and then becomes difficult to pick up.
Amazon Customer –
Silviu Anghelache –
is actually very good one and it’s doing the jobany little space you have to clean kust leave it there for a few seconds and is gonna go throught
Deniz D. –
IPW133 –
Good product delivered fast.
A. –
Yes, it works.
Sara Murray –
I bought this on the off chance that it might work, and work it really did. When I took it out of the pack, it was like slime but it soon all came together. I was sceptical if it would actually work. I pushed it on to my laptop keyboard and wow what a difference. This product is cheap but definitely worth buying. It made me laugh as well because it feels so weird but this is now my go to laptop cleaning product.
Officer Johnson –
Used on car interior. Good for getting into small gaps. I found using wiping motions can cause it to leave residue, so dabbing and rolling worked better. Picked up dust and small crumbs. Good stuff.
m littlewood –
Brilliant for getting dust and grime from vents
HT –
I’ve been going through a bit of a cleaning frenzy lately and this is the simplest, coolest, weirdest little cleaner I’ve ever used. My keyboard hasn’t been this clean since it was new and I continue to find all sorts of nooks and crannies where this ‘goop’ works a treat. HIghly recommend 🙂
Manuel –
Ha resultado efectivo para limpiar el teclado. En especial, los laterales de las teclas , donde no se llega con el clásico limpiador y paño.Sin embargo, el resultado final depende mucho del tiempo exacto de aplicación. Al menos en los teclados clásicos en los que los he probado.Si se deja poco tiempo, no profundiza lo suficiente en las ranuras entre las teclas y la parte baja queda sucia.Si se deja demasiado tiempo, profundiza mucho llegando a la superficie de la membrana y se adhiere mucho. La adhesión es mayor que la cohesión del producto y se disgrega , dejando trocitos verdes entre las teclas y/o debajo de ellas.Los trozos disgregados se pueden retirar usando el mismo producto o un pincel. Es más engorroso que difícil.
Helen –
It does what its meant to do, I’m happy. 10/10
Fabien –
La constitution laisse un peu à désirer: cela s’émiette beaucoup. Heureusement, il est facile de tout ressouder ensemble et pour le prix, je ne vois pas trop de quoi on peut se plaindre.D’un point de vu résultat, c’est en revanche pleinement efficace: toutes les miettes, poussières, et autres petits résidus s’accrochent parfaitement. Il ne reste plus qu’à malaxer sous l’eau pour bien nettoyer derrière. Très pratique en somme
banditrob –
très bien pour enlever les miettes entre les touches du clavier.petit bémol le contenant est un sachet , ça aurai été mieuxdans une boite en plastique dure.
Rebecca_figure –
Very clever product . I only got one use out of it but that’s become my car was so dusty . Definitely buy again
Simple to use and does a great job
tspdes85 –
è molto delicato,appena lo schiacci un pò si frantuma,l’ho passato sul pc e dei pezzi di prodotto si sono infilati nei tasti,non consigliato
Lady Vin –
Be ready to be grossed out.
himaani –
Amazing piece of gel, it really does do what it states on the tin.
Anna C. –
Really handy and useful thing to clean the dust out and keep the laptop in shape, I can recommend it to every dust hater like me =)
David F. –
this goes where a brush can’t it pick’s all the fluff crumbs it goes on and on if you do not let it dry out.
Ametista –
Il prodotto fa il suo dovere, per questo metto tre stelle.Leggendo gli ingredienti mi sono accorta che praticamente sono SOLO parabeni! Sapendo molto bene cosa sono, consiglierei caldamente l’uso con i guanti.Tenere i bambini alla larga da questo prodotto!
A –
It does what it says